Resume of Kaji Aso(1936-2006) 28 Westland Ave.#15,Boston,MA02115 1936 Brith Plase,Toride,Ibarakiken,Japan
EMPLOYMENT 1967-2000 Schoo of the Museum of Fine Arts,The Fenway,Boston,MA Senior Faculty Member,Watercolor and Oil Painting and Japanese Brushstroke 1988-1998 Summer School in Japan,School of the Museum of Fine Arts,Boston,MA 1969-present Canburidge Center for Adult Education,Camburige,MA Instructor of Painting 1961-1965 Joshibi University of Art and Design Printmaking,Special Lecture Professor Education 1961 BFA Painting Tokyo University of Art,Tokyo,Japan 1963 MFA Printmaking Tokyo University of Art,Tokyo,Japan
PROFESSTIONAL AND RELATED ACTIVITIES FOUNDER 1972-present Kaji Aso Studio,Inc.and Gallery Nature & Temptation 40 St. Stephen St,Boaton,MA Institute for the Arts,Co-operative Gallery
Distinguished Awards:
1980 Proclaimed by the City of Boston,Distinguished Bostonian in honor of Boston's 350th Jubilee Birthday. 1983 Honorary Citizen,Key to the City of New Orleans,Louisiana. 1986 Receives plaque from the Intermal Revenue Service for his cultural contributions to society 1989 Mayor Raymond Flynn presents Kaji Aso with an inscribed Paul Revere bowl in honor of his rich cultural contributions to the City of Boston 1993 Proclamation of Recognition from Mayor Menino,Ctiy of Boston 1995 Certificate of Recognition from Mayor Menino,Ctiy of Boston 1996 Certificate of Recognition as one of most important international calligraphers of the word,Beijing Art Academy,China 1997 Medal of Honor from Mayor of Lisbon,Portugal in honor of successfully leading expedition of artists down Tagus River 1998 One of "2000 Outstanding People of the 20th Century ", International Biographical Center,Cambridge,England 1998 One of "500 Leaders of Influence",American Biographical Instritute,USA Listed on permanent record at the U.S.Library of Congress in Washington,D.C.
100%真作 本物保証です。
サイズはF4号、額装込みで約 縦46 x 横37cmとなります。
麻生花児(1936-2006) プロフィール:
1936 茨城県取手市に生まれる
1961 25歳 東京芸術大学油科卒業
春陽会 初出品・受賞
1962 26歳 銀座・夢土画廊 にて初個展
1963 27歳 版画協会展・新人賞受賞
1964 28歳 第4回東京国際版画ビエンナーレ展
1966 30歳 インドネシア渡航
1967 31歳 ニューヨークからボストンに渡米
1968 32歳 ボストン美術館アムルナーイ画廊にて個展
1969 33歳 ボストン近代美術館にて現代米国作家15人展
1973 37歳 ボストンにKAJI ASO STUDIO 創立・主宰
1978 42歳 日本橋・高島屋にて個展
1980 44歳 ボストン名誉市民授与
1983 47歳 ニューオリンズ名誉市民授与
1985 49歳 銀座・愛宕山画廊にて個展
1988 52歳 銀座・愛宕山画廊にてKAJI ASO STUDIOメンバー東京展
1989 53歳 茨城県近代美術館/現代茨城の美術展出展
1993 57歳 花巻アートコロニー企画参加・麻生花児作品展
1995 58歳 取手市・ギャラリーれいしんにて個展
1997 60歳 渋谷・Bunkamura Galleryにて個展
イギリス・ケンブリッジ バイオグラフィーより 「20世紀の2000人」に選出
1998 61歳 サンフランシスコ・Gallery Piazzaにて個展
1999 62歳 高輪・再春館ギャラリーにて個展
2003 66歳 ギリシャ・クレタ島にてサマースクール開催
銀座・ポーラ ミュージアム アネックスにて個展
学校法人KAJI ASO STUDIO ボストン名誉団体授与
学校法人KAJI ASO STUDIO 創立30周年
2004 67歳 フロリダ・WEST MEETS EASTにて個展
2005 68歳 銀座・ポーラ ミュージアム アネックスにて個展
2006 69歳 3月11日 食道癌にて死去(米国・ボストン市)
11月 銀座・ポーラ ミュージアム アネックスにて遺作展
2007 マサチューセッツ州議会は、麻生花児誕生日4月25日 を「感謝する日」に制定
Resume of Kaji Aso(1936-2006)
28 Westland Ave.#15,Boston,MA02115
1936 Brith Plase,Toride,Ibarakiken,Japan
1967-2000 Schoo of the Museum of Fine Arts,The Fenway,Boston,MA
Senior Faculty Member,Watercolor and Oil Painting and
Japanese Brushstroke
1988-1998 Summer School in Japan,School of the Museum
of Fine Arts,Boston,MA
1969-present Canburidge Center for Adult Education,Camburige,MA
Instructor of Painting
1961-1965 Joshibi University of Art and Design
Printmaking,Special Lecture Professor
1961 BFA Painting Tokyo University of Art,Tokyo,Japan
1963 MFA Printmaking Tokyo University of Art,Tokyo,Japan
1972-present Kaji Aso Studio,Inc.and Gallery Nature & Temptation
40 St. Stephen St,Boaton,MA
Institute for the Arts,Co-operative Gallery
Distinguished Awards:
1980 Proclaimed by the City of Boston,Distinguished Bostonian in
honor of Boston's 350th Jubilee Birthday.
1983 Honorary Citizen,Key to the City of New Orleans,Louisiana.
1986 Receives plaque from the Intermal Revenue Service for
his cultural contributions to society
1989 Mayor Raymond Flynn presents Kaji Aso with an inscribed
Paul Revere bowl in honor of his rich cultural contributions
to the City of Boston
1993 Proclamation of Recognition from Mayor Menino,Ctiy of Boston
1995 Certificate of Recognition from Mayor Menino,Ctiy of Boston
1996 Certificate of Recognition as one of most important international
calligraphers of the word,Beijing Art Academy,China
1997 Medal of Honor from Mayor of Lisbon,Portugal in honor of
successfully leading expedition of artists down Tagus River
1998 One of "2000 Outstanding People of the 20th Century ",
International Biographical Center,Cambridge,England
1998 One of "500 Leaders of Influence",American Biographical
Listed on permanent record at the U.S.Library of Congress in